MPI-CPfS participates in the speedCIGS project funded by BMWi

17. November 2016

The solid state chemistry (SSC) department of MPI-CPfS takes part in the speedCIGS project which its main aims is to speed up the manufacturing process of solar cells based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS). The project is funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. MPI-CPfS collaborates in this project by performing computer simulation to support the experimental findings of other partners from industry and research institutes.

Second-generation solar cells based on CIGS are attractive due to their outstanding price/performance ratio. Currently, CIGS cells are the most efficient among single-junction thin film solar cells. Although the manufacturing of these solar cells is a well established technology, CIGS cells are produced only by few companies. To make the production of CIGS modules more attractive for industry, it is crucial to speed up the manufacturing process and to improve the efficiency of cells. In this respect, MPI-CPfS performs numerical simulations to gain a better understanding of the crystallization process to enable cell manufactures of producing low-price and high-efficient modules.

Another important aim of the speedCIGS project is to find novel materials that can be employed in the tandem cells. Tandem cells are supposed to enhance the efficiency of solar cells dramatically. Tandem cells consist of two or more sub cells built by stacking multiple layers on top of each other.  The complex architecture of tandem cells allow the absorption of a wide range of the light spectrum.  In this regard, MPI-CPfS performs genetic algorithm calculations to introduce novel materials to be used in tandem cells.

The total fund of the project which is titled 'computer-aided optimization of the CIGS deposition process in the industrial implementation' is about 4.700.000 € for four years. MPI-CPfS contributes to speedCIGS with the sub-project named as 'from atomic-scale modeling to industrial-scale manufacturing' and obtains about 760.000 €.


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