
Zeitschriftenartikel (305)

Fujii, T.; Janson, O.; Yasuoka, H.; Rosner, H.; Prots, Y.; Burkhardt, U.; Schmidt, M.; Baenitz, M.: Experimental nuclear quadrupole resonance and computational study of the structurally refined topological semimetal TaSb2. Physical Review B 109 (3), 035116, S. 1 - 13 (2024)
Kim, S.-J.; Zhu, J.; Piva, M. M.; Schmidt, M.; Fartab, D.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Baenitz, M.; Nicklas, M.; Rosner, H.; Cook, A. M. et al.; González-Hernández, R.; Šmejkal, L.; Zhang, H.: Observation of the Anomalous Hall Effect in a Layered Polar Semiconductor. Advanced Science 11 (6), 2307306, S. 1 - 8 (2024)
León, A. M.; Gonzalez, J.W.; Rosner, H.: Ca3Ru2 O7: Interplay among degrees of freedom and the role of the exchange correlation. Physical Review Materials 8, 024411, S. 1 - 11 (2024)
Milosavljević, D.; Rosner, H.; Johansson, A.: Electronic structure of noncentrosymmetric B20 compound HfSn and tuning of multifold band-crossing points. Physical Review Research 6 (3), 033157, S. 1 - 13 (2024)
Ajeesh, M. O.; Materne, P.; Dos Reis, R. D.; Weber, K.; Dengre, S.; Sarkar, R.; Khasanov, R.; Kraft, I.; León, A. M.; Bi, W. et al.; Zhao, J.; Alp, E. E.; Medvediev, S.; Ksenofontov, V.; Rosner, H.; Klauss, H.-H.; Geibel, C.; Nicklas, M.: Interplay of structure and magnetism in LuFe4Ge2 tuned by hydrostatic pressure. Physical Review B 107 (12), 125136, S. 1 - 9 (2023)
Kubo, T.; Yasuoka, H.; Dóra, B.; Kasinathan, D.; Prots, Y.; Rosner, H.; Fujii, T.; Schmidt, M.; Baenitz, M.: Comparative 181Ta-NQR Study of Weyl Monopnictides TaAs and TaP: Relevance of Weyl Fermion Excitations. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 (9), 094706, S. 1 - 7 (2023)
Prots, Y.; Rößler, S.; Rößler, U. K.; Rosner, H.; Akselrud, L.; Schmidt, M.; Fitch, A.; Schwarz, U.: Crystal Structures and Twinning of RuBr3. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 649 (19), e202300140, S. 1 - 8 (2023)
Siemann, G.-R.; Kim, S.-J.; Abarca Morales, E.; Murgatroyd, P. A. E.; Zivanovic, A.; Edwards, B.; Marković, I.; Mazzola, F.; Trzaska, L.; Clark, O. J. et al.; Bigi, C.; Zhang, H.; Achinuq, B.; Hesjedal, T.; Watson, M. D.; Kim, T. K.; Bencok, P.; van der Laan, G.; Polley, C. M.; Leandersson, M.; Fedderwitz, H.; Ali, K.; Balasubramanian, T.; Schmidt, M.; Baenitz, M.; Rosner, H.; King, P. D. C.: Spin-orbit coupled spin-polarised hole gas at the CrSe2-terminated surface of AgCrSe2. npj Quantum Materials 8 (1), 61, S. 1 - 7 (2023)
Zhakina, E.; Daou, R.; Maignan, A.; McGuinness, P. H.; König, M.; Rosner, H.; Kim, S.-J.; Khim, S.; Grasset, R.; Konczykowski, M. et al.; Tulipman, E.; Mendez-Valderrama, J. F.; Chowdhury, D.; Berg, E.; Mackenzie, A. P.: Investigation of Planckian behavior in a high-conductivity oxide: PdCrO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (36), e2307334120, S. 1 - 8 (2023)
Götze, K.; Bergk, B.; Ignatchik, O.; Polyakov, A.; Kraft, I.; Lorenz, V.; Rosner, H.; Förster, T.; Seiro, S.; Sheikin, I. et al.; Wosnitza, J.; Geibel, C.: Fermi surface of a system with strong valence fluctuations: Evidence for a noninteger count of valence electrons in EuIr2Si2. Physical Review B 105 (15), 155125, S. 1 - 8 (2022)
Jerzembeck, F.; Røising, H. S.; Steppke, A.; Rosner, H.; Sokolov, D. A.; Kikugawa, N.; Scaffidi, T.; Simon, S. H.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Hicks, C. W.: The superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 under c-axis uniaxial stress. Nature Communications 13 (1), 4596, S. 1 - 11 (2022)
Kibune, M.; Kitagawa, S.; Kinjo, K.; Ogata, S.; Manago, M.; Taniguchi, T.; Ishida, K.; Brando, M.; Hassinger, E.; Rosner, H. et al.; Geibel, C.; Khim, S.: Observation of Antiferromagnetic Order as Odd-Parity Multipoles inside the Superconducting Phase in CeRh2As2. Physical Review Letters 128 (5), 057002, S. 1 - 6 (2022)
Landaeta, J. F.; León, A. M.; Zwickel, S.; Lühmann, T.; Brando, M.; Geibel, C.; Eljaouhari, E.-O.; Rosner, H.; Zwicknagl, G.; Hassinger, E. et al.; Khim, S.: Conventional type-II superconductivity in locally noncentrosymmetric LaRh2As2 single crystals. Physical Review B 106 (1), 014506, S. 1 - 10 (2022)
Richter, M.; Kim, S.-J.; Koepernik, K.; Rosner, H.; Möbius, A.: Accuracy and Precision in Electronic Structure Computation: Wien2k and FPLO. Computation 10 (2), 28, S. 1 - 16 (2022)
Yamamoto, S.; Fujii, T.; Luther, S.; Yasuoka, H.; Sakai, H.; Bärtl, F.; Ranjith, K. M.; Rosner, H.; Wosnitza, J.; Strydom, A. M. et al.; Kühne, H.; Baenitz, M.: Structural 130 K phase transition and emergence of a two-ion Kondo state in Ce2Rh2Ga explored by 69,71Ga nuclear quadrupole resonance. Physical Review B 106 (11), 115125, S. 1 - 5 (2022)
Baenitz, M.; Piva, M. M.; Luther, S.; Sichelschmidt, J.; Ranjith, K. M.; Dawczak-Dȩbicki, H.; Ajeesh, M. O.; Kim, S.; Siemann, G.; Bigi, C. et al.; Manuel, P.; Khalyavin, D.; Sokolov, D. A.; Mokhtari, P.; Zhang, H.; Yasuoka, H.; King, P. D. C.; Vinai, G.; Polewczyk, V.; Torelli, P.; Wosnitza, J.; Burkhardt, U.; Schmidt, B.; Rosner, H.; Wirth, S.; Kühne, H.; Nicklas, M.; Schmidt, M.: Planar triangular S=3/2 magnet AgCrSe2: Magnetic frustration, short range correlations, and field-tuned anisotropic cycloidal magnetic order. Physical Review B 104 (13), 134410, S. 1 - 16 (2021)
Flipo, S.; Rosner, H.; Bobnar, M.; Kvashnina, K. O.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gumeniuk, R.: Thermoelectricity and electronic properties of Y1-xCexCrB4. Physical Review B 103 (19), 195121, S. 1 - 11 (2021)
Götze, K.; Kraft, I.; Klotz, J.; Förster, T.; Uhlarz, M.; Lorenz, V.; Bergmann, C.; Prots, Y.; Bruin, J. A. N.; McCollam, A. et al.; Sheikin, I.; Wosnitza, J.; Geibel, C.; Rosner, H.: Highly sensitive band structure of the Stoner-enhanced Pauli paramagnet SrCo2P2. Physical Review B 104 (8), 085148, S. 1 - 7 (2021)
Naumann, M.; Mokhtari, P.; Medvecka, Z.; Arnold, F.; Pillaca, M.; Flipo, S.; Sun, D.; Rosner, H.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Gille, P. et al.; Baenitz, M.; Hassinger, E.: Fermi surface of the skutterudite CoSb3: Quantum oscillations and band-structure calculations. Physical Review B 103 (8), 085133, S. 1 - 9 (2021)
Svanidze, E.; Amon, A.; Nicklas, M.; Prots, Y.; Juckel, M.; Rosner, H.; Burkhardt, U.; Avdeev, M.; Grin, Y.; Leithe-Jasper, A.: Superconductivity and magnetism in R4Be33Pt16 (R= Y, La-Nd, Sm-Lu): A family of crystallographically complex noncentrosymmetric compounds. Physical Review Materials, 074801, S. 1 - 11 (2021)
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