Publikationen von Elena Gati

Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Jo, N. H.; Gati, E.; Pfau, H.: Uniaxial stress effect on the electronic structure of quantum materials. Frontiers in Electronic Materials 4, 1392760, S. 1 - 16 (2024)
O'Neil, C.; Hu, Z.; Kikugawa, N.; Sokolov, D.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Noad, H. M. L.; Gati, E.: Determination of the dynamic Young’s modulus of quantum materials in piezoactuator-driven uniaxial pressure cells using a low-frequency AC method. Review of Scientific Instruments 95 (7), 073909, S. 1 - 12 (2024)
Valadkhani, A.; Zúñiga Céspedes, B.; Mandloi , S.; Xu, M.; Schmidt, J.; Bud'Ko, S. L.; Canfield, P. C.; Valentí, R.; Gati, E.: Tuning superconductivity and spin-vortex instabilities in CaKFe4As4 through in-plane antisymmetric strains. Physical Review B 109 (18), L180503, S. 1 - 6 (2024)
Gati, E.; Schmidt, B.; Bud’ko, S. L.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Canfield, P. C.: Controlling crystal-electric field levels through symmetry-breaking uniaxial pressure in a cubic super heavy fermion. npj Quantum Materials 8, 69, S. 1 - 6 (2023)
Noad, H. M. L.; Ishida, K.; Li, Y.-S.; Gati, E.; Stangier, V.; Kikugawa, N.; Sokolov, D. A.; Nicklas, M.; Kim, B.; Mazin, I. I. et al.; Garst, M.; Schmalian, J.; Mackenzie, A. P.; Hicks, C. W.: Giant lattice softening at a Lifshitz transition in Sr2RuO4. Science 382 (6669), S. 447 - 450 (2023)
Agarmani, Y.; Hartmann, S.; Zimmermann, J.; Gati, E.; Delleske, C.; Tutsch, U.; Wolf, B.; Lang, M.: Advanced technique for measuring relative length changes under control of temperature and helium-gas pressure. Review of Scientific Instruments 93 (11), 113902, S. 1 - 11 (2022)
Huyan, S.; Schmidt, J.; Gati, E.; Zhong, R.; Cava, R. J.; Canfield, P. C.; Bud'ko, S. L.: Hydrostatic pressure effect on the Co-based honeycomb magnet BaCo2(AsO4)2. Physical Review B 105 (18), 184431, S. 1 - 8 (2022)
Riedl, K.; Gati, E.; Valentí, R.: Ingredients for Generalized Models of κ-Phase Organic Charge-Transfer Salts: A Review. Crystals 12 (12), 1689, S. 1 - 28 (2022)
Xu, M.; Schmidt, J.; Gati, E.; Xiang, L.; Meier, W. R.; Kogan, V. G.; Bud'Ko, S. L.; Canfield, P. C.: Superconductivity and phase diagrams of CaK(Fe1-xMnx)4As4 single crystals. Physical Review B 105 (21), 214526, S. 1 - 15 (2022)
Gati, E.; Bud'ko, S. L.; Wang, L.-L.; Valadkhani, A.; Gupta, R.; Kuthanazhi, B.; Xiang, L.; Wilde, J. M.; Sapkota, A.; Guguchia, Z. et al.; Khasanov, R.; Valenti, R.; Canfield, P. C.: Pressure-induced ferromagnetism in the topological semimetal EuCd2As2. Physical Review B 104 (15), 155124, S. 1 - 13 (2021)
Rana, K.; Kotegawa, H.; Ullah, R. R.; Gati, E.; Bud'ko, S. L.; Canfield, P. C.; Tou, H.; Taufour, V.; Furukawa, Y.: Magnetic properties of the itinerant ferromagnet LaCrGe3 under pressure studied by 139La NMR. Physical Review B 103 (17), 174426, S. 1 - 8 (2021)
Riedl, K.; Gati, E.; Zielke, D.; Hartmann, S.; Vyaselev, O. M.; Kushch, N. D.; Jeschke, H. O.; Lang, M.; Valenti, R.; Kartsovnik V, M. et al.; Winter, S. M.: Spin Vortex Crystal Order in Organic Triangular Lattice Compound. Physical Review Letters 127 (14), 147204, S. 1 - 7 (2021)
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