Hard X-ray PhotoEmission Spectroscopy (HAXPES)
Our experimental work is performed at the SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility (Japan). A sideline of Beamline BL12XU (Taiwan Beamline) is dedicated to the joint HAXPES project of MPI CPfS and NSRRC. The new end-station, designed by MPI CPfS, is equipped with two analyzers (A-1HE from MB Scientific) mounted perpendicular and parallel to the polarization of the incoming beam allowing to use the polarization dependence of the differential photoionization cross section for the different orbitals (i.e. s, p, d, etc.) to enhance the orbital contribution of interest. This makes the instrument unique in the world. Samples are mounted on an xyzθ manipulation stage which is —as well as the table on which the whole setup is placed— fully motorized to allow a fine tuning of the sample position while the beam is on. A flow cryostat is used to cool the sample with liquid nitrogen or liquid helium. A separate preparation chamber is used for sample transfer and storage and for in situ cleaving.