News at PQM

Conduction electrons drive giant, nonlinear elastic response in Sr<sub>2</sub>RuO<sub>4</sub>

The hardness of a material normally is set by the strength of chemical bonds between electrons of neighbouring atoms, not by freely flowing conduction electrons. Now a team of scientists from MPI-CPfS, Germany, Japan, Korea and the United States has shown that current-carrying electrons can make the lattice much softer than usual in the material Sr2RuO4. more

Elena Gati in the Wintergarten

W2 promotion for Elena Gati

August 21, 2023

Warm congratulations to Dr Elena Gati, who has been promoted to a W2 position in the physics of Quantum Materials department. more

The Superconductivity of Sr<sub>2</sub>RuO<sub>4</sub> Under c-Axis Uniaxial Stress

A team of scientists from the MPI CPFS and Stockholm, Tsukuba, Oxford, Toronto, St Andrews and Birmingham combined focused ion beam microstructuring and uniaxial pressure to achieve a record value of uniaxial pressure for the unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4 and found that the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4 evolved surprisingly. more

Ultra-high precision thermodynamics of unconventional superconductivity

Working with a new experimental technique called the ac elastocaloric effect, a team of scientists from Dresden, Karlsruhe, St Andrews, Cornell, Tsukuba and Stanford has mapped out the so-called phase diagram of the unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4. The results narrow down the on-going, 25 years quest to understand the superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 and set a benchmark for future work. more

A ‘fast lane’ for electrons<br /> 

The study of ultra-pure materials still has many ways to surprise and delight! For delafossite metals it was shown that wires sculpted from the same single crystal have very different resistivities depending on the angle at which they are cut.  From the fundamental physics point of view, the laws of bulk resistivity are being broken.

Mário Moda Piva

Warmest congratulations to Mário Moda Piva, who has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. more

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