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Publications at MPI CPfS

Fernández-González, C.; Ruiz Gómez, S.; Arché-Núñez, A.; Pérez, L.; de Sousa, C. T.: Nano-patterning using ultra-thin alumina membranes. Materials Today Nano 29, 100553, pp. 1 - 20 (2025)
Korniienko, A.; Wartelle, A.; Kronseder, M.; Zeller, V.; Foerster, M.; Nino, M. a.; Ruiz-Gomes, S.; Khaliq, M. W.; Weigand, M.; Wintz, S. et al.; Back, C. H.: Magnetization patterns in GaAs-Fe33Co67 core-shell nanorods. Applied Physics Letters 125 (25), 252406, pp. 1 - 7 (2024)
Apseros, A.; Scagnoli, V.; Holler, M.; Guizar-Sicairos, M.; Gao, Z.; Appel, C.; Heyderman, L. J.; Donnelly, C.; Ihli, J.: X-ray linear dichroic tomography of crystallographic and topological defects. Nature 636 (8042), pp. 354 - 360 (2024)
Djeghdi, K.; Karpov, D.; Abdollahi, S. N.; Godlewska, K.; Iseli, R.; Holler, M.; Donnelly, C.; Yuasa, T.; Sai, H.; Wiesner, U. B. et al.; Steiner, U.; Wilts, B. D.; Musya, M.; Fukami, S.; Ohno, H.; Diaz, A.; Llandro, J.; Gunkel, I.: Block Copolymer-Directed Single-Diamond Hybrid Structures Derived from X-ray Nanotomography. ACS Nano 18 (39), pp. 26503 - 26513 (2024)
Neethirajan, J.; Daurer, B. J.; Di Pietro Martínez, M.; Hrabec, A.; Turnbull, L.; Yamamoto, R.; Ferreira, M. R.; Štefančič, A.; Mayoh, D. A.; Balakrishnan, G. et al.; Pei, Z.; Xue, P.; Chang, L.; Ringe, E.; Harrison, R.; Valencia, S.; Kazemian, M.; Kaulich, B.; Donnelly, C.: Soft X-Ray Phase Nanomicroscopy of Micrometer-Thick Magnets. Physical Review X 14, 031028, pp. 1 - 20 (2024)
Khaliq, M. W.; Amin, O. J.; Hernández-Mínguez, A.; Rovirola, M.; Casals, B.; Omari, K.; Ruiz Gómez, S.; Finizio, S.; Campion, R. P.; Edmonds, K. W. et al.; Novák, V.; Mandziak, A.; Aballe, L.; Niño, M. A.; Hernàndez, J. M.; Wadley, P.; Macià, F.; Foerster, M.: Néel vector waves in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs excited by surface acoustic waves. Physical Review Materials 8 (8), 084406, pp. 1 - 6 (2024)
Karpov, D.; Djeghdi, K.; Holler, M.; Abdollahi, S. N.; Godlewska, K.; Donnelly, C.; Yuasa, T.; Sai, H.; Wiesner, U. B.; Wilts, B. D. et al.; Steiner, U.; Musya, M.; Fukami, S.; Ohno, H.; Gunkel, I.; Diaz, A.; Llandro, J.: High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of topological textures in nanoscale single-diamond networks. Nature Nanotechnology, pp. 1 - 15 (2024)
Rovirola, M.; Waqas Khaliq, M.; Gustafson, T.; Sosa-Barth, F.; Casals, B.; Hernàndez, J. M.; Ruiz-Gómez, S.; Niño, M. A.; Aballe, L.; Hernández-Mínguez, A. et al.; Foerster, M.; Macià, F.: Study of the magnetoelastic effect in nickel and cobalt thin films at GHz range using x-ray microscopy. Physical Review Research 6, 023285, pp. 1 - 9 (2024)
Christensen , D. V.; Staub, U.; Devidas, T. R.; Kalisky, B.; Nowack, K. C.; Webb, J. L.; Andersen, U. L.; Huck, A.; Broadway, D. A.; Wagner, K. et al.; Maletinsky, P.; van der Sar, T.; Du, C. R.; Yacoby, A.; Collomb, D.; Bending, S.; Oral, A.; Hug, H. J.; Mandru, A.-O.; Neu, V.; Schumacher, H. W.; Sievers, S.; Saito, H.; Khajetoorians, A. A.; Hauptmann, N.; Baumann, S.; Eichler, A.; Degen, C. L.; Mccord, J.; Vogel, M.; Fiebig, M.; Fischer, P.; Hierro-Rodriguez, A.; Finizio, S.; Dhesi, S. S.; Donnelly, C.; Buettner, F.; Kfir, O.; Hu, W.; Zayko, S.; Eisebitt, S.; Pfau, B.; Froemter, R.; Klaeui, M.; Yasin, F. S.; Mcmorran, B. J.; Seki, S.; Yu, X.; Lubk, A.; Wolf, D.; Pryds, N.; Makarov, D.; Poggio, M.: 2024 roadmap on magnetic microscopy techniques and their applications in materials science. Journal of Physics: Materials 7 (3), 032501, pp. 1 - 83 (2024)
Littlehales, M. T.; Moody, S. H.; Turnbull, L. A.; Huddart, B. M.; Brereton, B. A.; Balakrishnan, G.; Fan, R.; Steadman, P.; Hatton, P. D.; Wilson, M. N.: Demonstration of Controlled Skyrmion Injection Across a Thickness Step. Nano Letters 24 (22), pp. 6813 - 6820 (2024)
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Previous publications


Fanfan Meng, Claire Donnelly, Luka Skoric, Aurelio Hierro-Rodriguez, Jung-wei Liao, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco
Fabrication of a 3D Nanomagnetic Circuit with Muli-Layered Materials for Applications in Spintronics
Micromachines 12, 859 (2021)
Luka Skoric, Claire Donnelly, Claas Abert, Aurelio Hierro-Rodriguez, Dieter Suess, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco
Micromagnetic modeling of magnetic domain walls in curved cylindrical nanotubes and nanowires
APL 118, 242403 (2021)
Fanfan Meng, Claire Donnelly, Claas Abert, Luka Skoric, Stuart Holmes, Zhuocong Xiao, Jung-Wei Liao, Peter J Newton, Crispin HW Barnes, Dédalo Sanz-Hernández, Aurelio Hierro-Rodriguez, Dieter Suess, Russell P Cowburn, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco
Non-planar geometrical effects on the magnetoelectrical signal in a three-dimensional nanomagnetic circuit
ACS Nano 15, 6765 (2021)
Claire Donnelly, Konstantin L Metlov, Valerio Scagnoli, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Mirko Holler, Nicholas S Bingham, Jörg Raabe, Laura J Heyderman, Nigel R Cooper, Sebastian Gliga
Experimental observation of magnetic vortex rings in a bulk magnet
Nature Physics 17, 316 (2021)


Petai Pip, Claire Donnelly, Max Döbeli, Christopher Gunderson, Laura J Heyderman, Laetitia Philippe
Electroless deposition of Ni-Fe alloys on scaffolds for 3D nanomagnetism
Small 16, 2004099 (2020)
Dédalo Sanz-Hernández, Aurelio Hierro-Rodriguez, Claire Donnelly, Javier Pablo-Navarro, Andrea Sorrentino, Eva Pereiro, César Magén, Stephen McVitie, José María de Teresa, Salvador Ferrer, Peter Fischer, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco
Artificial double-helix for geometrical control of magnetic chirality
ACS Nano 14, 8084 (2020)
Claire Donnelly, Simone Finizio, Sebastian Gliga, Mirko Holler, Aleš Hrabec, Michal Odstrčil, Sina Mayr, Valerio Scagnoli, Laura J Heyderman, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Jörg Raabe
Time-resolved imaging of three-dimensional nanoscale magnetization dynamics
Nature Nanotechnology 15, 356 (2020) 
Claire Donnelly, Valerio Scagnoli
Imaging three-dimensional magnetic systems with X-rays
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32 213001 (2020)
Katharina Witte, Andreas Späth, Simone Finizio, Claire Donnelly, Benjamin Watts, Blagoj Sarafimov, Michal Odstrcil, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Mirko Holler, Rainer H Fink, Joerg Raabe
From 2D STXM to 3D Imaging: Soft X-ray Laminography of Thin Specimens
Nano Letters 20, 1305 (2020)


Luka Skoric, Dedalo Sanz-Hernandez, Fanfan Meng, Claire Donnelly, Sara Merino-Aceituno, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco
Layer-by-layer growth of complex-shaped three-dimensional nanostructures with focused electron beams
Nano Letters 20, 184 (2019)
Jannis Lehmann, Claire Donnelly, Peter M Derlet, Laura J Heyderman, Manfred Fiebig,
Poling of an artificial magneto-toroidal crystal
Nature Nanotechnology 14, 141 (2019)


Claire Donnelly, Sebastian Gliga, Valerio Scagnoli, Mirko Holler, Jörg Raabe, Laura J Heyderman, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos
Tomographic reconstruction of a three-dimensional magnetization vector field
New Journal of Physics 20, 083009 (2018)


Claire Donnelly, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Valerio Scagnoli, Sebastian Gliga, Mirko Holler, Jörg Raabe, Laura J Heyderman
Three-dimensional magnetization structures revealed with X-ray vector nanotomography
Nature 547, 328 (2017)


Claire Donnelly, Valerio Scagnoli, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Mirko Holler, Fabrice Wilhelm, Francois Guillou, Andrei Rogalev, Carsten Detlefs, Andreas Menzel, Jörg Raabe, Laura J Heyderman
High-resolution hard x-ray magnetic imaging with dichroic ptychography
Physical Review B 94, 064421 (2016)


Claire Donnelly, Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, Valerio Scagnoli, Mirko Holler, Thomas Huthwelker, Andreas Menzel, Ismo Vartiainen, Elisabeth Müller, Eugenie Kirk, Sebastian Gliga, Jörg Raabe, Laura J Heyderman
Element-specific X-ray phase tomography of 3D structures at the nanoscale
Physical Review Letters 114, 115501 (2015)
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