

Information Service MPG CPT Section


ReNa - eResource Navigator of the Max Planck Society



selected most relevant databases:

includes amongst others Chemical Abstracts, Registry, ChemCats and other databases for searching chemical structures, literature and patents
registration form SciFinder-n registration and further information Information Service CPT

ICSD - Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
numerical database for inorganic crystal structures, intermetallics are integrated

ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis
offers a comprehensive collection of predominant American and Canadian dissertations and theses 

is a large multi disciplinary literature database comparable to Web Of Science. It includes patents and covers more journalsand conference proceedings than Web of Science, but has fewer backfiles - citation linking only reaches back to 1996. In-Press-Articles of a considerable amount of journals are included. 

Web of Knowledge 
includes amongst others: Web of Science, Journal Citation Report, ISI Proceedings and INSPEC

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