Lecture Series "Chemical Bonding in Position Space"
Lecture Series "Chemical Bonding in Position Space"
- Start: Sep 12, 2014
- End: Sep 14, 2014
- Speaker: Angel Martin Pendas, Paul L.A. Popelier, Alexei I. Baranov, Miroslav Kohout, Frank R. Wagner, Juri Grin
- Location: Dresden
- Room: Seminar rooms 1-3
- Host: Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids

Homepage: Lecture Series "Chemical Bonding in Position Space"
This Lecture Series represents a satellite meeting of the 17. yearly meeting of the Division of Solid State Chemistry and Material Science of the German Chemical Society (GDCh). The goal of the meeting will be to present and discuss a coherent overview of the current concepts and notions about electronic behavior in chemical systems, i.e. chemical bonding in position space. Two internationally highly renowned colleagues will support us for this task.