Quantum Criticality & Novel Phases 2017
QCNP 2017
- Start: Feb 26, 2017
- End: Mar 1, 2017
- Location: Berlin, Harnack-Haus
- Host: Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe
- Contact: info@qcnp.de

The International Conference on Quantum Criticality and Novel Phases (QCNP) will take place in Berlin, Germany, from February 26th to March 1st, 2017. QCNP 2017 is organized, like the past two conferences, by the Max- Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden.
The conference is devoted to quantum critical phenomena in quantum spin systems, in itinerant d-metal compounds, and in Kondo-lattice systems as well as to novel phases, like unconventional superconductivity or topological order, in the vicinity of magnetic instabilities. Both experimental and theoretical work will be highlighted. Prior to the conference, a tutorial session will be organized on Sunday, February 26th, as an introduction to some recent developments discussed at the conference.
O. Stockert, S. Wirth
Advisory Board
P. Coleman, Z. Fisk, P. Gegenwart, F.M. Grosche, G. Knebel, A. Loidl, Y. Maeno, R. Moessner, S. Nakatsuji, J. Spalek, J.D. Thompson, M. Vojta, H.-Q. Yuan, F. Zhang,