Welcome to the MPI CPfS:
Johannes Gooth, Max Planck Research Group Leader
The Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids welcomes the physicist Dr. Johannes Gooth, who will build and manage his Max Planck Research Group (http://www.mpg.de/forschungsgruppen) from the beginning of October. These independent groups aim to complement the work of the established research departments while promoting the careers of outstanding young scientists.
Johannes Gooth received his physics diploma in 2011 from the University of Hamburg and the University of Lund in Sweden. After completing his doctorate at the University of Hamburg in 2014, he worked as a postdoc at IBM Research - Zurich in Switzerland for two years, before moving to Harvard University in the United States in 2017. During this time, also his first son was born.
During his training, he learned to appreciate both solid-state and high-energy physics and developed a research style that connects these two areas. He is an expert on the fundamental electrical and thermal transport properties of quantum materials under extreme conditions, such as very low temperatures, high magnetic fields and nanometer-sized structures, but also for their application in electronic components for quantum computers and in thermoelectric energy conversion.
In the next five years, he and his group will set up experiments at our institute to answer questions of relativistic quantum field theory, which cannot be answered with the current setups of high energy physics (i.e. particle accelerators). These investigations will contribute to a profound understanding of the quantum structure of our universe.