Honorary professorship for Juri Grin
The Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw awards Prof. Juri Grin, director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, an honorary professorship.
At a ceremonial meeting with many guests from Poland and abroad, Prof. Juri Grin was awarded an honorary professorship on the premises of INTiBS (Instytut Temperatur Nizkich i Badan strukturalnych PAN) in Wroclaw. This honor - only 18 people have been awarded with it since 1994 - is given to outstanding scientists who have made significant contributions to the cooperation between Polish and foreign research institutions, especially INTiBS.
The Research Department of Chemical Metals Science at the MPI CPfS has maintained an intensive research collaboration with INTiBS in the field of chemistry and physics of intermetallic compounds for many years. This successful cooperation has resulted in a large number of joint publications and presentations at national and international meetings. Within the framework of this collaboration, numerous young scientists have been able to complete their doctoral theses or work as postdocs. Prof. Juri Grin is one of the few chemists to have received this award and stands in line with others such as Tadao Kasuya, Peter Fulde, Bernard Coqblin, Gerard H. Lander, Brian M. Maple, Johannes Zittartz, Yoshichika Ōnuki, and Frank Steglich.