Claudia Felser belongs to Highly Cited Researchers in Physics 2020

December 10, 2020

Claudia Felser, director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, is one of the mostly cited researchers in the world in the category Physics. This is apparent from the list Highly Cited Researchers for 2020 which was published by the company Clarivate Analytics.

The number of citations which the papers of researchers gain by their peers is considered to be an important marker for scientific success and importance in the respective research field. Thus, experts from the Institute of Scientific Information at Clarivate annually publish a list of highly cited researcher which is based on the well-known Web of Science. Only the top percent of researchers with respect to the citations are listed. The current list Highly Cited Researchers for 2020 underlines the great importance of the work of Claudia Felser for the area of physics, in particular her research on Heusler compounds, superconductors, and topological materials.

In total the names of more than 6000 researchers from over 60 countries are listed. Not only individual researchers but also research institutions are included in the list. With 70 highly cited researchers the Max Planck Society ranks fifth.     

The complete list and information on methodology are found at


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