Congratulations to Natalia Gloriozova:
Best Poster Award at SCTE-2022
The 23rd International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements (SCTE) took place at the University of Bordeaux in France on June 14 – 17, 2022. This conference reported on new discoveries in chemistry and solid state physics of compounds and materials based on transition elements. The crystal structures, the chemical bonds as well as the physical properties of various families of intermetallics were discussed during the conference. More than 110 participants from 18 different countries presented 9 plenary lectures, 58 oral presentations and 32 posters. Among the latter, a judging committee selected the three best posters, based on the level of research, quality of the poster, and clarity of the presentation.
It’s our special pleasure to announce that IMPRS-CQPM student Natalia Gloriozova from the department of Chemical Metals Science at MPI-CPfS was awarded the best poster prize for her work on a quaternary nitridochromate(IV) LiSr2[CrN3]. This poster was dedicated to the discovery and various characterizations of a new compound employing innovative synthetic routes in collaboration with P. Höhn and Yu. Grin. We congratulate Natalia on her success.