The study of exciting physical properties within the quantum mechanical world of condensed matter physics starts with the synthesis of single crystals. 
For the study of the nuclear structure of our synthesized materials as well as their spin structure and emergent spin excitation spectra X-ray and neutron scattering experiments can be performed e.g. in synchrotrons or spallation / reactor neutron sources.







Alexander Komarek
Tel: +49 (0)351 4646-4423
Email: komarek[at]


Research fields

  • neutron scattering
  • X-ray scattering
  • electronic and magnetic properties
  • single crystal synthesis









Selected Publications


  • Hour-glass spectra due to oxygen doping in cobaltates
    Peng W., Guo H., Schmidt W., Piovano A., Luetkens H., Chen C.-T., Hu Z. and Komarek A. C.
    Communications Physics 7 (2024) 399.

  • Antiferromagnetic correlations in the metallic strongly correlated transition metal oxide LaNiO3
    Guo H., Li Z. W., Zhao L., Hu Z., Chang C. F., Kuo C.-Y., Schmidt W., Piovano A., Pi T. W., Sobolev O., Khomskii D. I., Tjeng L. H. and Komarek A. C.
    Nature Commun. 9 (2018) 43.

  • Oxyhalides: A new class of high-TC multiferroic materials
    Zhao L., Fernández-Díaz M.T., Tjeng L.H. and Komarek A. C.
    Science Advances 2 (2016) e1600353.

  • Hour-glass magnetic excitations induced by nanoscopic phase separation in cobalt oxides
    Drees Y., Li Z. W., Ricci A., Rotter M., Schmidt W., Lamago D., Sobolev O., Rütt U., Gutowski O., Sprung M., Piovano A., J.P. Castellan J. P., and Komarek A. C.
    Nature Commun. 5 (2014) 5731.

  • k=0 Magnetic Structure and Absence of Ferroelectricity in SmFeO3
    Kuo C.-Y., Drees Y., Fernández-Dáz M.T., Zhao L., Vasylechko L., Sheptyakov D., Bell A. M. T., Pi T. W., Lin H.-J., Wu M.-K., Pellegrin E., Valvidares S. M., Li Z. W., Adler P., Todorova A., Küchler R., Steppke A., Tjeng L. H., Hu Z. and Komarek A. C.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 217203. 

  • Hour-glass magnetic spectrum in a stripeless insulating transition metal oxide
    Drees Y., Lamago D., Piovano A., and Komarek A. C.
    Nature Commun. 4 (2013) 2449.

  • Charge stripe order near the surface of 12-percent doped La2-xSrxCuO4
    Wu H.-H, Buchholz M., Trabant C., Chang C. F., Komarek A. C., Heigl F., v. Zimmermann M., Cwik M., Nakamura F., Braden M., Schüßler-Langeheine C.
    Nature Commun. 3 (2012) 1023.

Instrumentation & Methods

CSI (CSC) floating zone 4-mirror furnace

CSI (CSC) floating zone 4-mirror furnace

HKZ floating zone (high pressure) mirror furnace

HKZ floating zone (high pressure) mirror furnace

Horizontal furnaces, two-zone furnaces, top-seeded growth furnace, Bridgeman furnace, autoclaves for hydrothermal synthesis.

Horizontal furnaces, two-zone furnaces, top-seeded growth furnace, Bridgeman furnace, autoclaves for hydrothermal synthesis.

Single crystal X-ray diffractometer

Single crystal X-ray diffractometer

Neutron scattering

Neutron scattering

Real-time X-ray Laue system

Real-time X-ray Laue system



Physical properties measurement system (PPMS)

Physical properties measurement system (PPMS)

Pwd. X-ray diffractometer

Pwd. X-ray diffractometer

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