Winner of the 2017 Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award

September 24, 2018

The Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award is an annual award sponsored by IBM, which is given based on the technical significance (depth and breadth) and the expected impact on computer science, electrical engineering or mathematical sciences of the scientific work.

We are very pleased to announce that in this year Johannes Gooth’s 2017 paper in Nano Letters on “Ballistic One-Dimensional InAs Nanowire Cross-Junction Interconnects” was selected by the committee.

In this study, electrons were fired from one contact electrode, letting them fly through a nanowire cross-junction without being scattered until they hit the opposed electrode. The nanowire cross acts as a perfect guide for electrons, such that the full quantum information of this electron (energy, momentum, spin) can be transferred without losses. The device allows for the connection of multiple one-dimensional quantum devices. This achievement will form the basis for sophisticated quantum wire networks for future integrated circuits used in advanced quantum-computational systems.

We congratulate Johannes and his team on their success!


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