Italian Chemical Society’s Best Thesis Prize 2019 for Riccardo Freccero
The National Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, annually organized by the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, gathers both Italian and internationally renowned invited experts. This broad-scope conference aims at promoting the most recent research results achieved in the various areas of this discipline (bioinorganic, organometallic, materials chemistry) inspiring new interdisciplinary research and innovative applications.
During the 47th edition held in Bari, Italy on 9 – 12 September 2019, the board of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society awarded Dr. Riccardo Freccero with the Best PhD Thesis prize in Inorganic Chemistry – Materials Chemistry field.
Some results of the thesis, titled “Study of new polar intermetallic compounds: synthesis, structural relations and real space chemical bonding analysis”, were presented in an oral communication mainly focusing on the chemical bonding for the big R2MGe6 family of compounds. The results have been published in Chemistry-A European Journal.
The PhD thesis had been organized as a collaborative project between the group headed by Prof. Dr. Adriana Saccone at the Chemistry department of the University of Genova and the Chemical Metals Science department at CPfS, where Dr. Frank Wagner accompanied the chemical bonding studies as the PhD co-supervisor.
Dr. Riccardo Freccero now works on a post doc position in the ChemBond group of the CMS department at CPfS. We wish him all the best for his future studies.