Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel fellowship for Joshua Goldberger
We are happy to announce that Professor Joshua Goldberger from The Ohio State University in the United States has been awarded a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel fellowship sponsored by the Humboldt foundation. This prestigious fellowship entitles him to spend a sabbatical in Germany, most of the time at our institute in the department of Solid State Chemistry.

In his independent career, Josh has established himself as one of the earliest and most visible leaders in the field of two-dimensional materials research, which is one of the most active research areas in the interdisciplinary research community. His research has focused on the development of novel families of 2D and layered materials that not only have great potential for different applications, but also serve as model systems for understanding fundamental questions about controlling their properties. Additionally, his recent work establishing how to design layered materials in which either negatively or positive charged carriers dominate in-plane conduction but with the oppositely charged carriers dominating cross-plane conduction, is expected to have a far-reaching impact across a broad range of electronic and energy technologies.
We are looking forward to an inspiring and fruitful collaboration with Joshua.