ICFE10 Best Poster Award Recipient
The 10th International Conference on f-Elements (ICFE10) took place at EPF Lausanne from September 3rd to 6th 2018. This broad-scope meeting was designed to address all aspects of lanthanide and actinide research, bringing together scientists from various disciplines – chemistry, physics, material science, geology, engineering, as well as biology. Such diverse backgrounds of the attendees encourage interdisciplinary research, which not only addresses fundamental scientific questions, but also inspires innovative applications. The ICFE conference has been organized since 1998, with the strong support provided by the European Rare-Earth and Actinide Society. The ICFE occurs tri-annually, in rotation with similar conferences taking place in the USA and China.
The 2018 ICFE10 conference featured 10 different sessions, spanning numerous aspects of the f-electron science. More than 300 participants presented 6 plenary lectures, 50 keynote lectures, 75 invited lectures, and 130 posters. Among the latter, several poster prizes were awarded by a broad panel of judges. The selection was based on the level of the research, quality of the poster, as well as the clarity of the presentation.
We are very pleased to announce that among participants from the MPI CPfS, one young scientist was awarded the best poster prize: Dr. Eteri Svanidze from the department of the Chemical Metals Science for the poster entitled “Novel Heavy-Fermion Compound”. This work presented the discovery and characterization of a novel heavy fermion U23Hg88, in collaboration with A. Amon, R. Borth, Y. Prots, M. Schmidt, M. Nicklas, A. Leithe-Jasper, and Yu. Grin. The poster illustrated innovative experimental research, the importance of which was recognized by the international scientific community. We congratulate Dr. Eteri Svanidze on her success.
ES ; YG / CPfS