CAT2018 Best Poster Prize

20. September 2018

The 2nd Global Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering and Technology (CAT2018) took place in Rome on September 13–16, 2018. CAT2018 provided a great platform for peer scientists, young researchers and manufacturers to share their knowledge and expertise in different branches of catalysis. The scientific sessions of CAT2018 covered a wide spectrum of catalysis topics: from bio-catalysis, transition metal catalysis, electro- and photocatalysis to the challenges of industrial heterogeneous catalysis. Insights into novel catalyst preparation methods, characterization techniques, as well as industrial implementation were presented by scientists from all over the world. Fruitful communication between chemists and chemical engineers created the perfect environment for exchange of chemical knowledge in catalysis with issues from the engineering field. This provided the background for relevant improvements of industrially important processes in the future.

The conference gathered more than 120 participants, which presented 15 keynote lectures, over 50 oral presentations, as well as more than 50 posters. Among the latter, judges selected the two best posters. The selection was based on the relevance and novelty in the field of catalysis, clarity of presented research results, as well as the level of accompanying discussions.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Iryna Antonyshyn from the Department of Chemical Metals Science was awarded the best poster prize for her poster "CaAg2 as catalyst precursor for ethylene epoxidation". The poster highlighted the catalytic performance and oxidation behaviour of the intermetallic compound CaAg2 under ethylene epoxidation conditions. The findings were based on experimental and computational studies, obtained via a close collaboration between academia (MPI CPfS, TU Chemnitz) and industry (hte GmbH). We congratulate Dr. Iryna Antonyshyn on this award.


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