SCES Poster Prizes for Maja Bachmann and M.O. Ajeesh
The 28th Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES) conference, held last week in Okayama, Japan, featured poster sessions at which approximately 800 posters were presented in lively sessions over four consecutive days. Each day, five posters were selected for awards by a panel of judges consisting of the plenary and invited speakers at the conference. We were delighted that two members of our Institute, both from the Physics of Quantum Materials department, were among the awardees. They are M.O. Ajeesh for his poster entitled ‘Interplay of structure and magnetism in LuFe4Ge2’ and Maja Bachmann for her poster entitled ‘Spatially modulated heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeIrIn5’.
Warm congratulations to Ajeesh and Maja for this well-deserved recognition of their work!
Andy Mackenzie /APM

‘Interplay of structure and magnetism in LuFe4Ge2’.