Eteri is awarded the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard grant

February 22, 2021

The Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Research, established in 2004, supports talented young female scientists with children to give them the freedom and mobility they need to pursue a scientific career. The foundation aims to help prevent outstanding talent from being lost to scientific research. It is aimed at female researchers in a subject related to the experimental natural sciences or medicine.

Women are underrepresented in leading positions in science and research, measured by their scientific potential. The special feature of our foundation is to address, through practical support, precisely the problem that makes life difficult for many female researchers, namely the difficulty of reconciling family obligations with the professional goal of becoming an independent researcher. With a monthly financial support for help in the household and additional childcare, young female scientists are to be relieved of domestic tasks. The time thus gained gives them the opportunity to continue to work scientifically at a high level despite the double burden. The foundation aims to ensure that more highly qualified women can participate in top-level research in Germany in the future.


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