Welcome and congratulations to Dr Libor Šmejkal

It is a great pleasure to welcome Dr Libor Smejkal to Dresden. Libor won a Max Planck Research Group against an extremely strong field in last year’s competition, and is currently setting up his group here.
His most famous work so far is that on so-called altermagnetism, a term which he co-invented. Altermagnetism has gained enormous traction among both the theoretical and experimental physics communities, motivating a large body of research world-wide. It is particularly appropriate, therefore, that his new group will work with both the theory departments at our neighbour Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems and with the experimental departments here in our Institute.
In well-deserved recognition of his groundbreaking work, Libor has just been awarded the 2025 Walter Schottky Prize of the German Physical Society, a great way to mark his arrival to the Max Planck Society in Dresden. We offer him our welcome and our warm congratulations.