Publikationen von P. Thalmeier

Zeitschriftenartikel (199)

Chang, J.; Eremin, I.; Thalmeier, P.; Fulde, P.: Eliashberg theory of superconductivity and inelastic rare-earth impurity scattering in the filled skutterudite La1-xPrxOs4Sb12. Physical Review B 76, 220510, S. 220510-1 - 220510-4 (2007)
Chang, J.; Eremin, I.; Thalmeier, P.; Fulde, P.: Theory of magnetic excitons in the heavy-fermion superconductor UPd2Al3. Physical Review B 75, 024503, S. 024503-1 - 024503-5 (2007)
Dóra, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Reentrant Kondo effect in Landau-quantized graphene: Influence of the chemical potential. Physical Review B 76, 115435, S. 115435-1 - 115435-6 (2007)
Dóra, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Magnetotransport and thermoelectricity in Landau-quantized disordered graphene. Physical Review B 76, 035402, S. 035402-1 - 035402-9 (2007)
Georgiou, M.; Varelogiannis, G.; Thalmeier, P.: Interplay of staggered SC with CDW in a fully polarized ferromagnet. Physica C 460 - 462, S. 1033 - 1034 (2007)
Haas, S.; Maki, K.; Dahm, T.; Thalmeier, P.: Anatomy of Gossamer superconductivity. Current Applied Physics 7, S. 64 - 67 (2007)
Parker, D.; Thalmeier, P.: Graphite-superconductor junctions as a probe of order-parameter symmetry. Physical Review B 76, 064525, S. 064525-1 - 064525-6 (2007)
Parker, D.; Thalmeier, P.: Theory of tunneling spectroscopy in UPd2Al3. Physical Review B 75, 184502, S. 184502-1 - 184502-8 (2007)
Schmidt, B.; Shannon, N.; Thalmeier, P.: The frustrated J1-J2 model in high magnetic fields. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 145211, S. 145211-1 - 145211-6 (2007)
Schmidt, B.; Shannon, N.; Thalmeier, P.: Thermodynamic properties of the J1–J2 model at finite magnetic fields. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, S. 1231 - 1233 (2007)
Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.; Shannon, N.: Magnetocaloric effect in the frustrated square lattice J1-J2 model. Physical Review B 76, 125113, S. 125113-1 - 125113-19 (2007)
Thalmeier, P.; Langari, A.: Field-induced quantum phase transition in the anisotropic Kondo necklace model. Physical Review B 75, 174426, S. 174426-1 - 174426-14 (2007)
Yushankhai, V.; Yaresko, A.; Fulde, P.; Thalmeier, P.: Dynamic spin susceptibility of paramagnetic spinel LiV2O4. Physical Review B 76, 085111, S. 085111-1 - 085111-10 (2007)
Zerec, I.; Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Kondo lattice model in magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, S. e48 - e50 (2007)
Langari, A.; Thalmeier, P.: Antiferromagnetic and spin-gap phases of the anisotropic Kondo necklace model. Physical Review B 74 (2), 024431, S. 024431-1 - 024431-8 (2006)
Schmidt, B.; Shannon, N.; Thalmeier, P.: Two-dimensional frustrated spin systems in high magnetic fields. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 51, S. 207 - 210 (2006)
Thalmeier, P.: Triplet superconductivity through quadrupolar exciton exchange in PrOs4Sb12. Physica B 378-380, S. 261 - 262 (2006)
Thalmeier, P.: Heavy Electron Unconventional Superconductivity in UPd2Al3 and PrOs4Sb12. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan / Supplement 75, S. 204 - 208 (2006)
Thalmeier, P.; McHale, P.: Magnetic-exciton-mediated superconductivity in UPd2Al3. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (1-3), S. 329 - 332 (2006)
Zerec, I.; Schmidt, B.; Thalmeier, P.: Kondo lattice model studied with the finite temperature Lanczos method. Physical Review B 73 (24), S. 245108-1 - 245108-6 (2006)
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