Workshop: “Future Directions in Quantum Science”

Last week we gathered in Schloss Ringberg – the Max Planck castle in the Bavarian Alps – for the workshop “Future Directions in Quantum Science” organised by Uri Vool and Claire Donnelly.
The workshop brought together international early career PIs and their group members working in a variety of aspects at the forefront of quantum science. With talks spanning quantum materials, quantum devices and spintronics to superconducting devices and quantum neuromorphic computing, we received an excellent overview of the state-of-the-art – and identified common opportunities and challenges spanning our different areas of research.

As well as enjoying many excellent talks, there was plenty of time for discussions about future directions – whether that was at the poster session, or during a hike in the local area.
We thank the speakers for their excellent talks, the attendees for the stimulating discussion, and Schloss Ringberg for their excellent hosting! We look forward to the collaborations that come of this and, of course, the next instalment of this workshop!