Archiv Vorträge

Vortragender: Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser Gastgeber: MPI CPfS

Magnetic Topological Materials - Claudia Felser

Summer semester 2023: Topology and Materials Course

Crystal Structure and Band Structure - Claudia Felser

Summer semester 2023: Topology and Materials Course

General Introduction to Topological Systems - Claudia Felser

Summer semester 2023: Topology and Materials Course

Comprehensive Course on Materials and Topology

Crystal structure and band structure

Comprehensive Course on Materials and Topology

General introduction to topological systems
Based on the high demand last semester, we again offer a comprehensive course on Materials and Topology which is specifically targeted at PhD students and other junior researchers. Lectures will be given by several PIs of IMPRS-CPQM working in the field of topological materials, including Claudia Felser, the director of the Department for Solid-State Chemistry, and Max Planck Research Group leader Johannes Gooth. The researchers giving the individual lectures all work at the forefront of this exciting topic and contribute to the world-leading activities at MPI CPfS in their respective research area. The course will start on 24 April 2020. [mehr]

Comprehensive Course on Topological Systems: Band structure calculations - tight binding

Comprehensive Course on Topological Systems
The course on topological systems is offered by several researchers at MPI CPfS who all are involved in our world-leading research activities in this field. The series of lectures is particularly targeted at PhD students and other junior researchers. As several scientists will give lectures on their respective research area, the course will offer abroad introduction into the field of topological materials and at the same time provide a great overview over the research activities at our institute in this field. [mehr]

Comprehensive Course on Topological Systems: Materials and Topology

Comprehensive Course on Topological Systems
The course on topological systems is offered by several researchers at MPI CPfS who all are involved in our world-leading research activities in this field. The series of lectures is particularly targeted at PhD students and other junior researchers. As several scientists will give lectures on their respective research area, the course will offer abroad introduction into the field of topological materials and at the same time provide a great overview over the research activities at our institute in this field. [mehr]
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