Archiv Vorträge

Gastgeber: Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Workshop Symmetriebeziehungen in der Kristallchemie [mehr]
As a follow-up of last summer’s successful workshop on thermoelectric materials in Dresden, we are now inviting scientists to gather again for the discussion of new trends in thermoelectrics. The talks will cover new thermoelectric materials and devices, new calculation methods and advanced spectroscopy techniques for the fundamental understanding of thermoelectric physics and chemistry. Besides, the workshop will highlight the possibilities for future cooperation among all the participants. We welcome everyone interested in these topics to join us and share your opinions! [mehr]

Comprehensive Course on Topological Systems

Comprehensive Course on Topological Systems
In the summer semester 2019, the Max Planck Institute of Solid State Chemistry again offers a comprehensive course on topological systems which is specifically targeted at PhD students and other junior researchers. Lectures will be given by several PIs of IMPRS-CPQM working in the field of topological materials, including Claudia Felser, the director of the Department for Solid-State Chemistry, and Max Planck Research Group leader Johannes Gooth. As several scientists will give lectures on their respective research area, the course will offer a broad introduction into the field of topological materials and at the same time provide a great overview over the research activities at our institute in this field. The researchers giving the individual lectures all work at the forefront of this exciting topic and are contribute to the world-leading activities at MPI CPfS in their respective research area. The lecture series will be held on Fridays from 13:00 – 14:30 (one session of 90 minutes) at the MPI-CPfS, seminar rooms 1-2. The course will start on 12 April 2019. [mehr]

Joint Sino-German Workshop on Thermoelectrics

Joint Sino-German Workshop on Thermoelectrics
Solid-state thermoelectric technology offers a promising solution for direct energy conversion of heat and electricity and has ignited intense research activity in material science, solid state physics and chemistry communities. To accelerate the exchange of new scientific knowledge among thermoelectric researchers, this workshop will bring together scientists, mainly from Germany and China, to discuss the advanced thermoelectric materials and beyond. In addition the workshop will highlight the possibilities for future cooperation among all the participants. [mehr]

Praxis-Tag 2018 – Thermische Analyse für Höchsttemperatur- und Nuklearanwendungen

Praxis-Tag 2018 – Thermische Analyse für Höchsttemperatur- und Nuklearanwendungen
Thermische Analyse bezeichnet eine Gruppe von Methoden, bei denen physikalische Eigenschaften einer Substanz bzw. eines Gemisches als Funktion der Temperatur oder der Zeit gemessen werden, während die Substanz einem geregelten Temperaturprogramm unterworfen wird. Exakte thermische Daten sind Grundvoraussetzungen für Materialsynthesen, zur Beschreibung des Materialverhaltens, für die richtige Werkstoffauswahl, für Vorhersagen zur Lebensdauer sowie für Simulationsrechnungen. Die thermische Analyse hat sich als ein wichtiges Prüfverfahren etabliert. Aussagen über Qualität der Produkte, Hilfe bei der Schadensanalyse und Produktentwicklung sind unmittelbar mit den Methoden der Thermoanalyse verbunden. [mehr]

Praxis-Tag 2016 – Thermische Analyse für Hochtemperatur-Anwendungen

Praxis-Tag 2016 – Thermische Analyse für Hochtemperatur-Anwendungen

Berufsvorbereitungsseminar jDPG

Berufsvorbereitungsseminar jDPG

Workshop "Powder x-ray diffraction in materials science"

Workshop "Powder x-ray diffraction in materials science"

Long Night of Sciences

Dynamical Mean-Field Approach for Strongly Correlated Materials

Dynamical Mean-Field Approach for Strongly Correlated Materials
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