IMC-XIV Best Oral Presentation Award for Julia-Maria Hübner
The XIV International Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds (IMC-XIV) took place at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine from September 22nd to 26th 2019. This conference provides the unique opportunity for scientists working on intermetallic and related compounds to present and discuss new results on their synthesis, crystal structures and properties, inspiring future research areas and encourage cooperations.
The IMC conference has been organized since 1971 in Lviv and occurs tri-annually. The 2019 IMC-XIV conference featured eight different sessions with 15 plenary lectures, 19 oral presentations and 104 posters. Among these contributions, judges selected the two best presentations, based on the level of research, quality and clarity.
We are very pleased to announce that young scientist Julia-Maria Hübner from our department of Chemical Metals Science was awarded the prize for the best oral presentation for her talk entitled “Unconventional Metal-Framework Interaction in MgSi5”. This work presented the discovery and characterization of the novel cage compound MgSi5 comprising a new type of silicon framework with unusual bonding interactions, in collaboration with W. Carrillo-Cabrera, Yu. Prots, M. Bobnar, U. Schwarz, and Yu. Grin. We congratulate Julia-Maria Hübner on her success.
Julia-Maria Hübner /JH, Ulrich Schwarz / US