Most schools are half-day schools: classes go from early in the morning until noon. There are, however, schools offering afternoon supervision (Hort).
For all children, school attendance begins with Grundschule (Primary School), grade 1 - 4. Following that 2 types of schools can be chosen from:
- Mittelschule (secondary general school): classes 5 – 9 (10)
- Gymnasium (grammar school): classes 5 – 12 (13), graduation: Abitur - qualifies for higher education (university entrance diploma)
Children not yet speaking German well must attend a "preparatory class" before being gradually introduced to the everyday situation at a German school. Here they learn German as a Second Language (Deutsch als Zweitsprache) and are prepared for the transition into a regular class. The transition towards full integration is individually determined, and is usually completed after one school year.
Parents must register their children for school at the Regional School Office (Regionalschulamt). Here the child will have to appear in person. In addition, the parents must present the child’s personal identification, as well as the most recent school certificate. The Regional School Office will advise both parents and child on the various educational possibilities available in Saxony.
Dresden International School is another option to have children attend school in an international environment. Contact data and further information can be found at
Parents have the opportunity to have their children cared for in a day-care nursery (for children of 1 – 3 years), or a kindergarten/day-care centre (children of 3 – 6 years). Attendance is voluntary, parents can decide which kindergarten is most suitable for their child. Places must be applied for at Eigenbetrieb Kindertageseinrichtungen (municipal authority for kindergartens)
Kindergartens are run by various institutions with focus on different ways of education. Monthly fees depend on the time a child attends kindergarten per day and on the institution the kindergarten belongs to.
Nannies (Tagesmütter) care for a small no. of children at home on a flexible time basis.