Publikationen von L. O. Kutelak

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Piva, M. M.; Wawrzyńczak, R.; Kumar, N.; Kutelak, L. O.; Lombardi, G. A.; Dos Reis, R. D.; Felser, C.; Nicklas, M.: Importance of the semimetallic state for the quantum Hall effect in HfTe5. Physical Review Materials 8, L041202, S. L041202-1 - L041202-6 (2024)
Piva, M. M.; Kutelak, L. O.; Borth, R.; Liu, Y.; Petrovic, C.; Dos Reis, R. D.; Nicklas, M.: Superconducting pairing symmetry in MoTe2. Physical Review Materials 7 (11), L111801, S. 1 - 6 (2023)

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