Publikationen von Y. N. Grin

Zeitschriftenartikel (801)

Grin, Y. N.; Gavrilenko, I. S.; Markiv, V. Y.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.: Crystal structure of ErTi2Ga4 and isostructural intermetallic compounds. Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskjoi RSR Seriya A-Fiziko-Matematichni ta Technichni Nauki (8), S. 73 - 76 (1980)
Grin, Y. N.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.: Crystal structure of the compounds La3Ga2Ni4 and Pr3Ga2Ni4. Kristallografiya 25 (3), S. 613 - 616 (1980)
Grin, Y. N.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Gladyshevski, E. I.: Ternary intermetallic compounds of the type Y3Rh2 in the systems R-Ga-Ni (R = Dy-Lu). Dopovidi AN URSR, A 1, S. 78 - 83 (1980)
Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Grin, Y. N.; Olesh, O. M.: Crystal structure of the compounds R26GaxCo17-x (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) and R26GaxNi17-x (R = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm). Kristallografiya 25 (2), S. 248 - 253 (1980)
Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Kotur, B. Y.; Grin, Y. N.: Crystal structure of ScFeSi2 and ZrFeSi2 compounds. Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR Seriya B-Geologichni Khimichni ta Biologichni Nauki (11), S. 68 - 72 (1980)
Grin, Y. N.; Iarmoliuk, J. P.; Gladyshevski, E. I.: Crystal structure of the compounds R4Ca2Ni10 (R=Y,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er,Tm,Yb,Lu). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 245 (5), S. 1102 - 1106 (1979)
Grin, Y. N.; Pecharsky, V. K.: Symmetry und unit cell metrics in the structure series CeRe4Si2 - ZrFe4Si2. Westnik Lwow. un-ta, ser. chim. 21, S. 5 - 9 (1979)
Grin, Y. N.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.: Crystal structure of the compounds R2Ni2Ga. Westnik Lwow. un-ta, ser. chim. 21, S. 13 - 17 (1979)
Grin, Y. N.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Gladyshevsky, E. I.: Crystal structure of compounds R10Ga3Co7 (R = Y, La). Kristallografiya 24 (3), S. 455 - 460 (1979)
Grin, Y. N.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Gradyshevsky, E. I.: Crystal structure of the compounds R2CoGa8 (R=Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Y) and RCoGa5(R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Y). Kristallografiya 24 (2), S. 242 - 246 (1979)
Kripiyakevich, P. I.; Grin, Y. N.: Series of degenerate homogeneous linear structures. Kristallografiya 24 (1), S. 76 - 82 (1979)
Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Akselrud, L. G.; Grin, Y. N.; Fundamensky, V. S.; Gladyshevsky, E. I.: Crystal structure of the compound U3Ni4Si4. Kristallografiya 24 (3), S. 579 - 581 (1979)
Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Grin, Y. N.; Gladyshevski, E. O.: Crystal structure of the compounds RGaNi (R = Ce-Lu, Y). Dopovidi AN URSR, A 9, S. 771 - 775 (1979)
Kripyakevich, P. I.; Grin, Y. N.: Systematics of series of homogeneous linear structures. Kristallografiya 23 (1), S. 86 - 93 (1978)
Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Grin, Y. N.; Gladyshevski, E. I.: Crystal structure of the compounds R3Ni6Ga2 (R = Pr-Tm, Y). Dopovidi AN URSR, A 8, S. 758 - 763 (1978)
Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Grin, Y. N.; Gladyshevski, E. I.: Crystal structure of the compounds R3Co3Ga (R = Pr-Tb, Y). Dopovidi AN URSR, A 9, S. 855 - 858 (1978)
Cherkashin, E. E.; Grin, Y. N.: On the structure of the compounds CaCo2Ge2, CaNiSi2, Ca2Ni2Ge7. Westnik Lwow. un-ta, ser. chim. 19, S. 45 - 49 (1977)
Grin, Y. N.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Gladyshevski, E. I.: Symmetry and coordination features of the structures containing the fragments of the types BaAl4, AlB2 and CaF2. Westnik Lwow. un-ta, ser. chim. 19, S. 14 - 21 (1977)
Yarmolyuk, Y. P.; Grin, Y. N.; Gladyshevsky, E. I.: Crystal structure of compound Hf3Ni2Si3. Kristallografiya 22 (4), S. 726 - 730 (1977)
Grin, Y. N.; Kripiyakevich, P. I.; Yarmolyuk, Y. P.: Symmetry of the structure of the series FeB-α-ITl. Wisnyk Lwiw. un-tu, ser. chim. 17, S. 12 - 16 (1976)

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